
Intelligent solution
Engineering Projects
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As the wisdom of the medical solution provider and data services operator, long-term cooperation experience through the application of mobile computing, intelligent recognition, data fusion, cloud computing, networking and other advanced technology and with the domestic famous hospital, develop the scientific medical intelligent solutions and services. Mainly covers the Internet, medical, regional medical and medical networking, and other fields.
Program introduction
Internet Medical
The Internet is based on the medical construction entity of hospital information, with the Internet technology, the construction of medical network data cloud platform, promote the sharing of grading clinics and medical resources, the new service mode between a hospital and hospital doctor and doctor cooperation and coordination, between doctors and patients interact.
main products
Wisdom alliance data cloud platform
Wisdom hospital APP
Internet Medical
Regional Medical
Regional health information through the Internet, cloud computing, big data and other new generation of technology, the establishment of regional health data center, to create a healthy Internet operations and public health information of the two application platform, construction of human full and continuous health management services.
main products
Regional HIS system
Regional LIS system
Regional health examination system
Regional electronic medical record system
Regional inspection center system
Hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system
Regional sterile supply chain system
Regional health information platform
Hospital unified portal platform (HIS)
Data center (CDR)
Laboratory information system (LIS)
Medical imaging system (PACS)
Medical Internet of things
In the IOT innovation era, Nengxing Enjoyor joint networking company's computing technology, intelligent recognition, data fusion technology based on mobile middleware platform, based on the development of many products in the Internet of things.
main products
Mobile clinical information system
Pipette monitoring induction system
Baby safety system
Mobile outpatient infusion system
Intelligent management system for dispensing medicine
Mobile PACS system
Central supply room system
Personnel location system
Treasury asset management system
Silver medical self-help system