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Engineering Projects
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Nengxing overall solution covers the wisdom of tourism wisdom scenic upgrade solutions, including full media solutions, DSP mobile advertising accurate delivery of the two part of the tourism destination marketing plan, the fruit and vegetable Park platform, e-commerce platform, mainly Internet plus rural tourism overall solution three blocks, construction, development, promotion, operation of a full range of services to customers the wisdom of tourism industry.


Program introduction
Wisdom scenic spot transformation promotion solution
In order to solve the scenic traffic management, intelligent guide, safety warning, electronic ticketing, integrated control, comfort monitoring, scenic spots and other aspects of big data problems, the overall solution to upgrade the wisdom scenic scenic area comprehensive management platform as the core, for the scenic tour to bring the gospel.



Full media solution
The government needs to promote scenic spots, solve the release of official information, virtual experience, intelligent navigation, tourism e-commerce, online interaction, tourism producer, precision marketing and other issues, we provide full media solutions, DSP mobile advertising accurate delivery.



Internet plus rural tourism overall solution

For all the farmers and rural tourism destination, the agricultural products marketing, B & B uplink, rural tourism destination building. We can provide and park platform solutions, B & B e-commerce platform.