
Intelligent solution
Engineering Projects
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As an intelligent building advanced solutions provider Nengxing combined with their years of construction of intelligent system design and engineering experience to construct the intelligent building system, covering the construction of intelligent system and green building system. Building energy system includes building equipment automation system, security automation system, fire automation system, office automation system, integrated wiring system and so on. Green building system, through the integration of various technologies, to realize the current building energy saving, consumption reduction, environmental protection and ecology and other green building design concepts.


Green building system


Intelligent building system


Intelligent building of the building as a platform, both information systems facilities, information application system, building management system, public security system, structure, system, service, management and optimal combination, to provide people with a safe, efficient, convenient, energy saving, environmental protection, healthy building environment.
The intelligent building system is in line with the national standard. The system is composed of building equipment automation system, security automation system, office automation system and integrated wiring system, and has the advanced domestic level.